Using the URCap Plugin
OnRobot © 2018
Pushing force (N)
: The force target used for the force control to gently push the
object into the socket.
Distance (d):
The distance from the Starting point along the Z axis (in Tool
coordinate system).
Torque limit:
During the rotation phase this limit is used to finish the movement.
The lower the limit the more careful the rotation is.
Rotate (
The angle for the rotation about the Z axis of the Tool coordinate
Advanced mode
: If enabled then more options become available:
Check force change after (%):
After the object is close to the bottom of the
socket, the “bump checking” is activated. The limit how close the object needs to
be set by a percent of the
Check torque goal after (%):
During the rotational phase after the set percentage
of the
Rotate (
angle, the torque goal checking is activated.
Force change goal:
During the insertion, after the
Check force change after
percent of the
is reached the force checking is activated. The force
checking is used to monitor whether the connector is pushed to the bottom of the
socket. This can be set by an additional force limit that is the
Force change goal
value. The push to the bottom of the socket is considered to be reached when the
force value equals or exceeds the
Pushing force
+ the
Force change goal
Torque goal:
The set torque value that is going to stop the rotational phase.
Rotational speed (rad/s):
The rotational speed during the rotational phase.
Use custom value for torque goal:
Check it to be able to set a custom torque goal.