Safety Precautions
3D TOF Sensor Module B5L User's Manual (No. E596)
Caution on Usage
1) Since “the Product” is intended for assembly into other devices, single units of “the Product” are
not certified by various standards in each country.
2) “The Product” is not used for crime prevention and does not guarantee safety.
3) “The Product” has face detection function. As such, the Customer shall take proper care of
privacy, portrait right, copyright or any other rights of people.
4) “The Product” cannot be used for purposes that cause hazard or damage to people's life, body
and asset.
Protection of Intellectual Property
Do not do or allow any third party to do the following to the “Firmware” contained in “the Product”
(built-in software for operating the Device) and “SDK”.
(a) Withdrawal of the “Firmware” from the “Device”
(b) Reverse engineering of “Firmware” and “SDK”, including disassembling and decompiling, etc.
Technical information provided by OMRON is treated as OMRON’s confidential information. Do not
disclose to any third party.