TUF-2000F User Manual
d stand for digit 0~9, the number before ‘E’ is an integer.
Working status code, 1~6 letters, refer to error code related chapter.
‘s’ is ‘ON’,’OFF’ or ‘UD’
For example ‘TR:ON,RL:ON’ means the OCT and RELAY are closed
‘TR:UD,RL:UD” means the OCT and RELAY are not used.
@ stand for key value, for example, value 30H means key ‘0’. The command ‘M4(cr)’ acts
just like the number 4 key on the keypad was pressed.
’a’ stands for the output current value. The maximum value should not exceed 20.0 For
example AO2.34567, AO0.2
’dddddddd’ stands for the Electronic Serial Number
If there are more than one devices in a network, all the basic command must be prefixed
with ‘N’ or ‘W’, otherwise multiple flow meter may reply to the same request, and thus a
conflict may occurs.
9. The returns by the special command for GSM networks contend Chinese characters.
5.2.1Command prefixes and the command connector
(1) The ‘P’ prefix
The ‘P’ prefix can be added before every basic command to have the returned message with
a two digits check-sum. The check-sum is obtained by a binary addition. For example, if the
command DI+(CR) (44H,49H,2BH,0DH in binary numbers
will bring a return like
+10m3 (CR)
(2BH,31H,32H,33H,34H,35H,36H,37H,45H,2BH,30H,6DH,33H,20H,0DH,0AH in binary
numbers), then the PDI+(CR) will brings a return like +10m3 !F7(CR), after the
character‘!’ are the
check-sum in ASCII format(2BH+31H+32H+33H+34H+35H+
Pay attention to that there may be no characters or only spaces before the character ‘!’.
(2) The ‘N’ prefix
The usage of prefix ‘N‘ goes like: N + single byte a basic command.