TUF-2000F User Manual
An optimum location would be defined as a straight pipe length full of liquid that is to be measured. The
piping can be in vertical or horizontal position. The following table shows
Examples of optimum locations.
L up
L dn
L up
L dn
L up
L up
L dn
L dn
P i p i n g C o n f i g u r a t i o n
a n d
T r a n s d u c e r P o s i t i o n
U p s t r e a m
D i m e n s i o n
D o w n s t r e a m
D i m e n s i o n
L dn
x Diam eters
L up
x Diam eters
L up
L dn
L up
L dn
L up
L dn
Principles to selection of an optimum location
(1) Install the transducers on a longer length of the straight pipe. The longer the better, and make sure that
the pipe is completely full of liquid.
(2) Make sure that the temperature on the location does not exceed the range for the transducers.
Generally speaking, the closer to the room temperature, the better.
(3) Take the pipe fouling into consideration. Select a straight length of a relatively newer pipe. If the
condition is not satisfying, consider the fouling thickness as part of the liner for a better result.
(4) Some pipes have a kind of plastic liner, and between the outer pipe and the liner there may be a certain
thickness difference that will prevent the ultrasonic waves from direct traveling. Such conditions will make
the measurement very difficult. Whenever possible, try to avoid this kind of pipes. If impossible, try our
plug-in transducers that are installed permanently on the pipe by drilling holes on the pipe while liquid is
running inside.