OEC 9800 Periodic Maintenance Procedure
If your C-Arm's collimator is equipped with one leaf then the graphical icon displayed on the Workstation
monitor will be a single line.
Press the COLLIMATOR IRIS OPEN/CLOSE switch and verify that a graphical icon (circle) displays on the
Workstation monitor and that the size of the circle varies as the iris is opened and closed. Press an X-ray
switch and verify that the image has been collimated as portrayed by the graphical icon.
Press the COLLIMATOR LEAF OPEN/CLOSE switch and verify that a graphical icon (two lines) displays on
the Workstation monitor and that the distance between the two lines increases and decreases as the leaves
are opened and closed. Press an X-ray switch and verify that the image has been collimated as portrayed by
the graphical icon.
Press the COLLIMATOR LEAF ROTATE switch and verify that a graphical icon (two lines) displays on the
Workstation monitor and that the icon rotates as the collimator leaves are rotated. Press an X-ray switch and
verify that the image has been collimated as portrayed by the graphical icon.
Press the MANUAL CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS key and verify that you can increment and decrement through a
series of preset levels of contrast and brightness.
Press the AUTO CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS key and verify that the system automatically selects the optimum
amount of contrast and brightness.
10. Press the kVp and mA keys and verify that the technique can be adjusted manually.
11. Select Auto Fluoro mode and the NORM field size. Verify that the kVp tracks accurately as copper filters are
inserted into the field per the following ranges (9-inch or 12-inch II):
Copper Filters
kVp Range
1 copper filter
61 kVp
3 kVp
2 copper filters
71 kVp
3 kVp
3 copper filters
79 kVp
3 kVp
12. Select High Level Fluoro (HLF) mode via the Workstation Mode screen.