Chapter 3
SMART6-L User Manual Rev 3
Dual-Frequency GLIDE
NovAtel’s dual-frequency GLIDE technology adds to the superior pass-to-pass performance provided by
single-frequency GLIDE. Dual-frequency GLIDE is ideal agricultural and machine guidance applications
where relative positioning is critical. Using GLIDE significantly reduces the variation in position errors to
less than 1 cm from one epoch to the next. Dual-frequency GLIDE improves the absolute accuracy of the
GLIDE position and creates a robust solution resistant to the effects of high ionospheric activity. GLIDE
works in all code positioning modes, including single point, DGNSS, SBAS and L-Band.
Refer to the NovAtel white paper on
GLIDE Technology
for more information on GLIDE and
Pseudorange/Delta-Phase (PDP) and GLIDE Filters
along with other information available from
The Steadyline functionality helps mitigate the discontinuities that often occur when a GNSS receiver
changes positioning modes. The effect is especially evident when a receiver transitions from an RTK
position mode solution to a lower accuracy “fall back” solution, such as NovAtel CORRECT PPP, DGPS,
WAAS+GLIDE or even autonomous GLIDE (see
Figure 9, Positioning Change Without Steadyline
Smooth transitions are particularly important for agricultural steering applications where sudden jumps
are problematic.
Figure 9: Positioning Change Without Steadyline
The Steadyline feature internally monitors the position offsets between all the positioning modes present
in the receiver. When the current positioning mode becomes unavailable, the receiver transitions to the
next most accurate positioning mode.
The setting in the
command determines how the receiver transitions to the next positioning
mode. The following sections describe the Steadyline modes.
When the receiver transitions to a different positioning mode, it maintains the position offset calculated to
limit a potential real position jump. The receiver continues to apply the position offset to all positions
calculated in the new positioning mode.
Figure 10: Steadyline Maintain
For more information about the
command, refer to the
OEM6 Family
Firmware Reference Manual
Intended Path
change to
lower accuracy
change to
higher accuracy
Intended Path
change to
lower accuracy
change to
higher accuracy