Chapter 3: Tuning and Testing Procedures
© 2019 Cutting Edge Optronics
Patara II and Iklwa II Service Manual
Chapter 3: Tuning and Testing Procedures
Gloves must be worn at all times during service. Service procedures must be
performed in a clean room environment when the cover is removed.
Align for Q-Switch Hold-Off
Turn the current down to the laser threshold. Ensure that the RF driver signal
is at maximum power with no triggers or gates.
Open the shutter.
Observe the beam output on the power meter while turning up the current to
the operational value. The proper “Hold-off” condition is met when no green
light is visible through the current range. If no green light is observed, skip to
step 7.
Loosen the three screws holding the Q-switch in place.
Figure 3-1: Location of Q-Switch Attachment Hardware
Rotate the Q-switch until no green beam is observed. Proper “Hold-off”
conditions are met when no green light is visible.
Tighten the screws while holding the Q-switch in position and ensure “Hold-
off” is maintained.
Turn down the current to the threshold.
Return the laser drive electronics to normal repetition rate and check the
pulse-to-pulse stability. Ensure that pulse stability meets specifications.
If laser will not hold off, check the RF power.
Power the Laser for Alignment