Chapter 1: General Instructions
© 2019 Cutting Edge Optronics
Patara II and Iklwa II Service Manual
Power Meter (minimum 30W rating)
Camera System (Spiricon preferred)
Fused silica 3% wedge
Filter Wheel
0.391 meter focal length lens PLCX-50.8-180.3-UV-1064/532
Fast Photodiode with BNC cable and oscilloscope (100 MHz min)
Neg Lens part number PLCC-25.4-25.8-UV-1064/532
HeNe alignment laser and turn mirrors
Microscope with surface illumination
60-658-1 Alignment Aperture without Alignment Pin
Desiccant cartridge NG part no. 42-228
Desiccant Refill part number 643665
Desiccant Refill tool 980412
McMaster Disposable Tube-Fitting Filter part no. 4795K22
McMaster Female QD part no. 5012K83
McMaster ¼” Hose part no. 52375K32
McMaster 3/16” Hose part no. 52375K31
Male QD O-Rings #011 Black Viton (2 required)
Output Window O-Rings #020 Black Viton (2 required)
8” Nylon clear cable ties
Side cutters
3M 2216 two part epoxy
X-ACTO Knife
Alignment Reference, Test Set-up and Laser Layout
If possible, the laser should be referenced to a HeNe (or similar alignment laser)
prior to any modifications to the laser. The ideal testing and tuning set-up is
shown in
Figure 1-1
. The layout and location of the laser components are shown
Figure 1-2