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Network Report Definition 7-13
Network Administration Center
Supervisor’s User Guide Product release 2
Specifies the week(s) to be used to collect data for the report. A week is
seven days. The network administrator can specify the first day of the week
using the function described in the “Time Frames Definition” section in the
“Parameter Administration” chapter. It is recommended that all nodes
should select the same day as the first day of the week to avoid
misunderstanding a report.
Enter 0 to produce a report containing only the current week’s information.
If the report is to contain data from a previous week, enter a negative
number representing the number of weeks before the current week. For
example, enter –3 to produce a report from the third week prior to the
current one.
To produce a report for a specific week, enter a date from within that week
using the format yy/mm/dd. The day must be specified. The month must be
specified if it is different from the current month and if the year is
specified. The year must be specified only if it is different from the current
year. For example, enter 96/06/01 to use the information from the week that
includes June 1, 1996. Enter 06/01 to use the information from the week
that includes June 1 of the current year. Enter 1 to use the information from
the week that includes the first day of the current month and year. The NAC
provides any information which is not entered, such as the current month
and year.
To select a range of weeks, type one of the above entries, followed by two
periods (..), followed by one of the above entries. For example, enter –3..0
to produce a report for the past four weeks (the previous three weeks plus
the current week). Enter 96/01/01..96/06/01 to produce a report starting
with the week that includes January 1, 1996, and ending with the week that
includes June 1, 1996. Make certain the first value is lower than the second
Leave the field blank to cover all the weeks.