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5-10 Queue Statistics Display
P0724352 Standard 1.0 November 1994
F7=Network Details
Provides a detailed graphical view of the status of the time-overflow calls
answered for a particular NACD-DN during the last 10 minutes of system
activity. For more information, refer to the “Network Details Display”
section in this chapter.
F8=Position Status Display
Toggles to the Network Position Status Counts Display feature and back to
this feature, without going through the main menu. The Network Position
Status Counts Display feature displays the position activity counts. Refer to
the “Position Status Display” chapter for more information.
Node-Control DN
Identifies the node number or name of the CDN.
Avg Delay
Shows the average delay, in seconds, before incoming calls are answered.
This field is highlighted when the value exceeds the threshold.
Svc Lvl %
Shows the percentage of controlled calls, which were answered or
abandoned before the maximum delay threshold (defined in the Parameter
Administration feature) is reached. This field is highlighted when the value
exceeds the threshold.
Calls Wait
Shows the number of calls in queue at the CDN. Incoming calls, which are
sent to the CDN in default mode, do not queue at the CDN. These calls are
not reflected in this field. However, they are queued at the CDN’s default
ACD-DN. This field is highlighted when the value exceeds the threshold
defined in the Parameter Administration feature.
Call Termination Aband
Shows the number of calls which were accepted at the CDN but abandoned
while waiting to be answered through the controlled mode of operation.
This can include calls given successful IVR treatment.
Call Termination Answd
Shows the number of calls which were accepted at the CDN and answered
through the controlled mode of operation.