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14-4 List Management
P0724352 Standard 1.0 November 1994
Insert Here=Insert
Inserts characters in the middle or beginning of the field.
Insert Here=Overwrite
Overwrites characters in the middle or beginning of the field.
Remove=Erase field
Removes the contents of a field.
List Type
Specifies the type of list to be created or modified. The options are
ACD-DN Unit, NACD-DN and CDN Unit.
The ACD-DN unit lists and CDN unit lists consist of groups of DNs, which
appear in real-time displays and report definitions. Each CDN can appear in
only one CDN unit list, and each ACD-DN can appear in only one
ACD-DN unit list. These unit lists are used by the Report Parameter
Definition feature (described in the “Network System Reports” chapter).
They are also used by the Display NACD-DN Selection and Display CDN
Selection features (described in the “Parameter Administration” chapter).
The NACD-DN lists are used in the Network Configuration Control
feature. This list can contain any of the NACD-DNs. Unlike unit lists, each
NACD-DN can appear on more than one list. However, the CDNs should
not be added to this list type.
List Name
Assigns a name to the list. This name appears in the pop-up menus for
fields where lists can be used such as the day and night tables in the
Network Configuration Control feature.
List Elements
Specifies the elements to be included in the list. Elements are the individual
list items which make up the list. Each list element has a valid node
consisting of a three-digit node address or a three-character short node
name, followed by a ‘-’, and a three to seven digit CDN or ACD-DN.
Press [Options] to view a list of valid nodes for the system. The Options
pop-up window provides the node address and the short node name for
each node. Either one can be entered on the list but not both. For example,