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7-24 Network Report Definition
P0724352 Standard 1.0 November 1994
Move the cursor to a specific statistics group field in the pop-up window
and press {RETURN}.
Each selected statistics group field appears in the Column Selections
field. The format is highlighted in the format field, as shown in Figure
The left-most column on the report should be a key field. A maximum of
three key fields can be chosen.
Key fields control the arrangement of the data in the report. For an
example, compare the report shown in “ACD-DN by activity code
report” section with the report shown in the “Activity code by ACD-DN
report” section. Both of these sections appear in the “Standard
management reports” chapter. These reports have the same key
fields—base time unit, ACD-DN, and activity code—but use them in a
different order.
Any field from the statistics group can be chosen. The number of fields
is limited by the maximum line width of 132 characters.
Repeat Step 3 until all the required statistics group fields are selected.
A statistics group field can only appear once in the Column Selection
area. The field appears dimmed in the pop-up window after it has been
selected to indicate that it has been used.
To increase the width of a column, move the cursor to a particular
column and press [Increase width].
Pressing the key alone increases the width of the column by one
character position. Typing a number prior to pressing the key increases
the width by the number typed.
Dots (.) are displayed in the format indicator area, above the column,
for each character of increased width. In Figure 7-5, the width of the
TSF% was increased by two to make the format easier to read. This is
indicated by the two dots in the format indicator area. The Calls Answd
was increased by two character spaces in anticipation of more than
99,999 calls in the report period.
The width of a column determines the maximum number that can be
displayed in the column. Any number requiring more space is shown as
“***”. By increasing the column width, these numbers can be properly