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11-10 Standard management reports
P0724352 Standard 1.0 November 1994
Statistics on the ACD-DN Delay Before Answering Report
Base Time Unit
The time frame (for example, interval, day, week, month, or period) for
which the report was generated.
Calls Answd
The number of calls answered by agents.
The percentage of calls that were time-overflowed into the queue.
Percent Of Calls Answered Within (Sec)
The percentage of calls that were answered within the specified delay
Avg Del Sec
The average time a call waited before being answered.
Long Del Sec
The longest time a call waited before being answered.
Interpreting the report
Figure 11-3 shows the daily ACD-DN Delay Before Answering Calls
Report for queues 3000 and 850. During the seven days reported, the
queues answered 239 calls.
The example shows that, on average, 99% of all calls are answered during
the first 12 seconds.
The average delay (Avg Del) was two seconds but varied greatly throughout
the report period and between the queues. The longest delay experienced by
a caller (Long Del) also varied. Watch for patterns in these variations from
day-to-day and week-to-week. They may indicate where to better assign
staff and resources.
Note: The sum of percentages in the categories, along with the TOF%,
adds up to 100%. Due to rounding, the sum may total a slightly lower
number such as 99%.