Broken down vehicle
Backup battery
Image A.1: Terminal connection order
b) Starting
After connecting the clamps of the jumper cables, start the engine of the vehicle with the charged
battery and accelerate to medium engine speed. Next, start the engine of the vehicle with the
discharged battery. Each jump start attempt must be under 15 seconds, after which you must wait at
least one minute before the next attempt. After a successful start, wait two to three minutes until the
engine of the failed vehicle runs smoothly.
c) Disconnecting
Always disconnect the jumper cables in the reverse order you connected them in.
First, disconnect the black cable from the ground braid or engine block (see picture A.1, position 4) of
the broken down vehicle. Next, disconnect the other clamp of the black cable from the negative
terminal of the charged battery (see image A.1, position 3). Finally disconnect both of the clamps on
the red cable in any order (see image A.1, positions 1 and 2). Ensure that the clamps are not caught
in any mechanical parts of the engine compartment when disconnecting the clamps from the jumper
NOTE: If you are using jumper cables that have a coded connector, connecting and disconnecting
may be performed in any order, provided the connector is disconnected.