38 - Squeegee System
Functional Description
The squeegee tool collects wastewater from
the floor for the recovery system to lift the
water into the recovery tank. The floor
squeegee is wider than the path of the scrub
deck to ensure collection of all wastewater
from the perimeter of the scrubbing area
The squeegee also pivots to the side to
permit operation near walls and to keep the
squeegee within the scrubbing path while
turning the machine
Squeegee Lift Actuator
The squeegee lift actuator operates on an offset
arm that raises the squeegee assembly When the
actuator retracts, the arm pivots out of the way and
allows the squeegee to lower When the actuator is
extended, the arm pivots the other way and raises
the squeegee
To extend or retract the actuator, the power module
reverses polarity to the actuator The actuator
determines how long it should run to reach full
extension or retraction It accomplishes this with a
pair of cams, limit switches, and diodes
As each cam rotates, it opens the normally closed
circuit and stops the motor’s rotation However each
cam is functional only for its intended direction of
rotation This is accomplished with the diodes, which
effectively short circuit the switch for one direction
(polarity), but not the other
In the diagram below, the clockwise cam/limit switch
is effectively short circuited by its diode when the
electrical polarity is driving the motor in the counterclockwise direction (and vice versa for the CCW) But
the counterclockwise cam is not short circuited, so it will open the motor circuit when the cam lobe reaches
the limit switch
The down-limit cam isn’t adjustable, but by adjusting the position of the up-limit cam, the actuator can
control its length of travel for the leadnut along the leadscrew
Up Limit
Down Limit