Switch 9:
You might not always want to open the gate completely, as in the case of a person on foot. In this case the PEDESTRIAN OPEN
function is useful, opening just the one gate connected to the 2nd motor, leaving the other one shut.
This manoeuvre is activated by the CLOSE input that loses its original function, becoming the STEP-BY-STEP input but only
for the opening of one gate.
The Pedestrian Open cycle can only be activated when the gates are closed.
Switch 10:
= Courtesy light on flashing light
It might sometimes be necessary to illuminate the gate movement area and often a light that will switch itself off automatically
shortly after the manoeuvre has finished is needed.
This function is commonly called “Courtesy Light”.
By connecting lamps to the same output as the flashing light (for a total power of 25 Watt) and activating this function, the
output will remain active, illuminating the area during movement and 60 seconds after.
In the “hold to run control” functioning mode the OPEN input allows movement up to the desired opening point while the Step-
by-step input allows an alternating opening and closing movement. As soon as the command in input stops, so does
When the gate is opening, movement will stop if the “Photocell also in Open” is activated.
In the closing phase movement will also stop if the PHOTOCELL input is interrupted. If a STOP command is given it will stop
movement immediately both in opening and closing. Once movement has stopped the command in input has to be stopped
as well before any new movement can be started.
In any of the automatic functioning modes (semi-automatic - automatic or Close always) a command on the OPEN input will
cause an opening manoeuvre. If the command persists after the gate has opened movement remains “frozen” in an infinite
pause; only when the command stops can the gate be closed. A pulse on the STEP-BY-STEP causes alternating opening and
closing manoeuvres. A second pulse on the STEP-BY-STEP or on the same input that started the movement, will cause a Stop.
STOP will cause movement to stop immediately both in opening and closing.
If the automatic functioning mode is being used, subsequent to an opening manoeuvre there will be a pause time followed by
a closing manoeuvre. If, during the pause the PHOTOCELL triggers, the timer will be reset with a new time; if, on the other hand,
a STOP intervenes during the pause, the closing function is cancelled and there will be a STOP condition.
If dip switch no.6 is ON, the pause will also be activated in the movement in the semi-automatic mode when, in closing, a safety
device triggers or the anti-crushing clutch causes a reversal in opening.
Once the first checks on the system have been done you can now make the few, essential adjustments to ensure the
automation will work properly and safely.
The recent European standards, prEN 12453: safety in using motorised doors - requirements and classifications and
prEN 12445: safety in using motorised doors - testing methods; (not yet approved but they will be in 1999) require certain
measures to be taken to limit the forces involved in moving automatic doors, equal to a maximum of 1400N as the force of
impact and a maximum residual static force of 150N that must become nil within 5 seconds from impact.
There are two adjustment trimmers in the unit used to vary the triggering threshold
of each motor’s amperometric protection.
These trimmers must be adjusted (one for each motor) so they are in line with the
above mentioned standards.
MOT. 1
MOT. 2