The FUNCTIONS dip switch lets you select the various possible functioning modes and to enable the functions you want.
Switch 1-2 : Off Off
= “Hold to Run Control” Functioning
On Off
= “Semiautomatic” Functioning
Off On
= “Automatic” Functioning ( Automatic Closing )
On On
= “Aut Close Always” Functioning
Switch 3:
= Condominium Functioning ( Not available in the Manual mode )
Switch 4:
On = Preflashing
Switch 5:
On = Water hammer
Switch 6:
= Closes immediately after Photocell if in Automatic or closes after Photocell if in semi-
Switch 7:
= Photocell1 safety also in opening
Switch 8:
= Photocell test activation (only with photocells connected to terminals 23..27)
Switch 9:
= CLOSE becomes Pedestrian Open
Switch 10:
= Courtesy light on flashing light
Naturally each Switch that is “Off” will not activate the corresponding function.
Switch 1-2:
Off Off
= “Hold to Run Control” Functioning
On Off
= “Semiautomatic” Functioning
Off On
= “Automatic” Functioning ( Automatic Closing )
On On
= “Aut Close Always” Functioning
When in the “Manual” functioning mode the gate will only be moved if a command is given (a key pressed).
When in the “Semi-automatic” mode, a complete movement will be carried out by giving a command up to the set distance.
In the “Automatic” functioning mode, an opening is followed by a pause time and then a closing manoeuvre.
The “Close Always” function works if, subsequent to a temporary power cut, the gate was open. In such a case a closing
manoeuvre starts automatically preceded by 5 seconds of preflashing.
Switch 3:
= Condominium Functioning
In the Condominium functioning mode, once an opening manoeuvre has started, for instance with a Step-by-Step command,
it cannot be interrupted by any other command until the gate has finished opening. During a closing manoeuvre, a new
command will stop the gate and reverse direction, opening it.
Switch 4:
= Preflashing
With a command pulse, flashing is activated first and after 5 seconds (2 seconds if on manual) movement starts.
Switch 5:
= Water hammer
When reversible actuators are used or when the gates are very long and do not remain closed with only the thrust of the motors,
an electric lock should be installed.
The natural thrust on the electric lock might keep the gates slightly open and sometimes this thrust is so powerful that it could
block the electric lock’s release mechanism.
If the water hammer function is on there will be a short closing cycle before the opening cycle starts but in actual fact no
movement can be detected seeing as the gates are already against the mechanical closing stop.
In this way, when the electric lock is applied, it will have absolutely no force and, consequently, free to be released.
Switch 6:
= Closes immediately after Photocell if in Automatic or closes after Photocell if semi-automatic)
In automatic this function will hold the gates open only for the necessary transit time. In fact, they will close automatically 5
seconds after the last object has passed by the “Photocell”, regardless of the programmed Pause Time.
In semi-automatic, after the photocells or amperometric protection have triggered, switch 6 activates automatic closing of
the gates.
Switch 7:
= Photocell 1 also in opening
As a rule the safety “Photocell” and “Photocell 1”will only trigger in the closing manoeuvre. If switch no. 7 is “ON”, triggering
of the safety “PHOTOCELL1”will stop movement also in opening. If in the semi-automatic or automatic functioning mode,
movement will start again and the gate will open immediately after the last object has passed by the photocell..
Switch 8:
= Photocell test activation (only with photocells connected to terminals 23..27)
This function is used to check photocell effectiveness each time a manoeuvre starts which enhances system safety.