Move the gate towards the open posi on. Far enough that you can access the last moun ng slot at the opposite end of the length of rack to
the end already fastened. Fasten the next “TEK” screw here while the rack s ll rests atop the pinion.
To install addi onal lengths of rack, move gate closed un l the next length of rack meets the fi rst length and the opposite end once again rests
on the pinion.
To ensure the 2 lengths of rack marry correctly use an off cut of rack clamped upside down across the join of the 2 lengths.
Con nue to fasten the “TEK” screws as before
When fi nished installing suffi
cient rack to allow for the full travel of the gate plus enough to allow for the limit actuator (as shown in the next
sec on) lower the gearbox by removing the two 2mm spacer bars.
Test the meshing of the rack and pinion. (See pictures of rack to pinion spacing on previous page).
If sa sfi ed fasten a “TEK” screw directly through both the rack angle and the gate so that you have 5 “TEK” screws per length of rack evenly