Advanced features
Auxiliary relay modes.
Alarm modes.
User manual reference -
Page 19
Beam Tamper Alarm.
In cases where the safety beams have been tampered with, the safety protocols will s ll allow the gates to open but will not allow the gates to close.
This safety feature can be turned into a security risk by anyone with ill inten on. The beam tamper alarm feature gives you a ealry warning of any
tampering that may have occured while you were away from the property. If the gates are in the closed posi on and the safety beam input is trigger
for longer than 20 seconds, then the auxiliary relay will become ac ve in this mode. This would usually be connected to a visual warning device such
as a light or to a zone on the household alarm system.
In the case of a light being used, on approach to the entrance the user is alerted to the a empt to compromise their security. Our advice is that the
user not trigger the gates to open, in this situa on, but rather to con nue driving to their nearest armed response standby point or to the nearest
police sta on. This way they can ask for an escort onto the property.
Beam tamper alarm mode is available in all modes of opera on so long as a set of safety beams is installed.
Ac on
Safety beam equipment
tampered with while
gates are in the closed
posi on.
Auxiliary relay
remains in
standby status.
20 seconds a er safety
beam equipment has
been tampered with.
Auxiliary relay
ac vates.
Safety beam equipment
returned to normal
func oning status.
Auxiliary relay
returns to
Gate closed.
Gate forced open alarm.
In a case where the gate is physically li ed off its track and forced open, the auxiliary relay will immediately ac vate. The auxiliary relay will only reset
when the gate is returned to normal secured condi on in the closed posi on.
Ac on
Gate secured in the
closed posi on.
Standing by.
Auxiliary relay
remains in
standby status.
A empt to li gate off
track and force open.
Auxiliary relay
ac vates.
Gate resecured in
the closed posi on.
Standing by.
Auxiliary relay
returns to