for a few minutes to restore its consistency .
•When the removable aluminum bowl is used, it
ATTENTION! Store the ice cream into the
is essential to eliminate every trace of salt/water
machine for maximum 8 hours.
solution from the parts that come in contact whit
In order to make sure you always prepare a high
it, in order to prevent corrosion.
quality ice cream, we recommend you do not
•Before storing the appliance, clean it with an
exceed the recommended storage time.
absorbent cloth.
•In freezer.
You can store the ice cream in the freezer (for a
Sanitizing operations, if properly carried out,
limited period). Prolonged storage compromise
allow for the removal of a significant proportion of
ice cream flavour and quality. After a few days,
micro-organisms whose cells and spores find,
the structure modifies and flavour will be lost.
thanks to processing residues,favourable
The freshly whipped ice cream has a better
conditions for survival and proliferation. Must be
carried out at the end of daily production cycle or
Should you intend to store the ice cream in the
more often, if necessary. Sanitizing Involves two
freezer, follow the rules below:
•Minimum storage temperature must be -18°C.
•CLEANSING Remove dirt (coarse residues) and
•Store the ice cream into a Freezer
rinse with lukewarm water immediately after
compartment properly cleaned and closed.
work; cleaning action is provided by manual
•Specify on the container the preparation date
friction and water pressure. The use of a
and the type of ice cream.
chemical detergent reduces, but does not
cancel, the manual cleaning requested above.
•The ice cream is sensible to the bacteria.
CAUTION: cleansing only, even if accurate,
Consequently it is very important that the ice
does not ensure complete removal of micro-
cream maker and the utensils used are well
biotic contaminants. Proceed as follows:
cleaned and dried.
•Remove the coarse dirt mechanically.
•Rinse with hot water first, at 45°C, to dissolve
grease and facilitate its removal, but below
•Remove the ice cream from the freezer half an
60°C to avoid "cooking" proteins, sugar or fat
hour before to serve it. Eventually you could
and make them stick even firmly to the
leave it for 10/15 minutes at the room
surfaces subjected to cleaning. The tools and
temperature to let it reach the adequate serving
removable parts of the equipment can be
cleaned simply, in about 15 minutes.
•Apply detergent: due to the fact that most of
•Before starting to clean make sure that the
food residues (proteins and fat) cannot be
machine is switched off and unplugged.
dissolved in water, their complete removal
•Wash out the bowl with a sponge. Do not use
requires the use of a detergent that detaches
sharp utensils inside the bowl!
dirt form the surface and enables its further
•Wash the paddle (5), the inserts (9) and (10), the
removal by rinsing
transparent lid (3) and the locking nut (4) in a
•Final rinsing with water at tap temperature for
soapy warm water.
at least 5 minutes if immersed.
•To better clean the paddle, remove the plastic
• D I S I N F E C T I O N . D i s i n f e c t i o n o r
decontamination involves the verified
•If the inserts are worn out, they must be replaced
destruction of non spore forming pathogenic
to prevent the mixing action from becoming less
bacteria and significant reduction of non
effective. These parts are available from all
pathogenic and non spore forming bacteria.
authorised service centres.
Cleansing and disinfecting operations must be
•The transparent lid (3) is removable. In order to
performed separately.
take off and clean, simply remove the lid hinge.
After cleansing, proceed with disinfection.
•Clean the body of the appliance and non-
Proceed as follows:
removable parts with a specific product.
•Use a specific disinfecting agent suitable for
IMPORTANT: never wash the appliance with jets
food industry sector. Check that on the
of water! - it contains electrical parts.
package are properly marked the following
before restarting the machine. If the 5 minutes
pause is not observed, the operation cannot be
restored, even if you press the button and the
relative indicator light are on.
•The motor has stalled for more than 5" and
safety device of the motor has been tripped.
Turn off and on the motor in order to reset the
device. Check that the mixture is soft to allow the
paddle to turn.
The refrigeration system fails to work:
•Check that the plug is correctly inserted in the
mains and that the appliance is receiving
electricity. Restart the ice-cream maker.
•The compressor safety device has been
tripped. Wait 10 minutes before restarting the
appliance. Continuous, premature attempts to
restart the appliance simply prolong the time
before it can be put back into use.
orrectly, you must proceed from up
•Check that the machine is not running the
downwards, finishing with the floor.
preservation cycle.
•After applying disinfecting agent, remove
•Check that the appliance is correctly positioned
residues with a final rinse.
on a horizontal surface with the ventilation slots
•Dry thoroughly the surfaces to avoid bacteria
free from all obstacles.
proliferation due to moisture;
The mixing paddle does not turn:
•We recommend you alternate every 6 months
•Check that it is correctly connected to the
the type of disinfecting agent to avoid
sleeve, and fixed in place with the fixing nut (4).
developing resistant forms of bacteria. Bacteria
•Check that there are no obstacles preventing it
spores are the most resistant biological forms
from turning.
and, therefore, it is recommended you use
•Make sure that the cover is in correct closed
chloride-based products.
position: the safety device stops the paddle if
the cover is lifted.
In normal conditions, ice cream preparation does
•Make sure that the machine is not running a
not require more than 30-40 minutes. If the ice
preservation cycle that stops the paddle.
cream has not yet formed after 50 minutes, check
•The paddle has stalled more than 5" and the
all the points below before contacting an
safety device of the motor has been tripped.
authorized technical support centre:
Turn off then on the motor by pressing the button
•Recipe ingredients must be properly measured.
(2). Check that the mixture is soft to allow the
•Pour into the ice cream machine the mixture at
paddle to turn.
room temperature or, better, fridge temperature. The appliance is excessively noisy:
If the ingredients are hot, ice cream preparation
•Variations in speed and noise during ice-cream
is impossible.
making are also to be expected and in no way
•The pot must never be filled more than half of its
affect the unit's normal functioning. A certain
capacity. If the amount is too high, the time
level of noise during operation is normal. If it
required to make the ice cream increases
becomes excessive, contact an authorized
significantly and the result may not be
service centre.
•Due to the safety device installed on the
compressor, if the power supply is cut off or , if
the machine is turned off and restarted
suddenly, compressor operation is interrupted.
In these situations, you must wait 5 minutes
•Disinfecting agent, Medical Device or similar.
•Registration number at Healthcare Agency.
•The message "for food industry use“.
•Dosage and use times.
•Ingredients, manufacturer, batch and
production date.
•Warnings on safe use.
•Dilute the disinfecting product following the
instructions given by the manufacturer.
Attention: using less disinfecting product than
recommended may promote bacteria
proliferation at dangerous levels, as well as
using excess active principle does not improve
•Leave the disinfecting agent to act for the
contact time required. If left less time than
required, disinfection may be ineffective.
•In order to carry out the various operations