National Instruments Corporation
dynamic reconfiguration queries
Broadcast?, 3-28
GrantDev?, 3-31
RelSrvnt?, 3-32
enabling sensing of specified trigger
enabling/disabling console data mode, 3-8
enabling/disabling program data mode, 3-12
enabling/disabling RS-232 port as
EnaTrigSense command, 3-69
expansion settings (table), 2-9
expansion sockets, 2-9
guidelines, 2-9
insertion position (figure), 2-10
potential damage, 2-9
standard and optional settings, 2-9
EPROMed code instruments
deleting, B-5
executing, B-5
installing, B-1
error codes
code instrument errors, E-3
command format error, E-1
device errors, E-2
syntax errors, E-1
trigger errors, E-4
error reporting, 3-4
example code, G-1
executing stored trigger sequence, 3-59
external CLK, D-4
external clock input
termination settings (figure), 2-8
external trigger input
termination settings (figure), 2-8
factory configuration settings
parts locator diagram, 2-3
summary, 2-2
frequently asked questions, G-1
front panel
connectors, 1-5
LEDs, 1-5
reset button, 1-5
front panel LED indications
Message-based devices, 2-22
Resource Manager operation, 2-15
general configuration commands and queries
CONF, 3-7
ConsoleEna, 3-7
ConsoleMode, 3-8
DIAG, 3-8
DPram?, 3-9
NVconf?, 3-10
OBram?, 3-11
ProgMode, 3-12
WordSerEna, 3-13
generating operation complete message, 3-57
getting A24 space allocation, 3-15
getting A24/A32 starting address, 3-9
getting A32 space allocation, 3-16
getting address of current trigger component
for specified trigger source, 3-71
getting amount of installed RAM, 3-11
getting Commander’s logical address, 3-17
getting contents of ESE register, 3-56
getting contents of SRE register, 3-59
getting contents of Status Byte, 3-59
getting current self-test status, 3-23
getting device manufacturer, mode, serial