metal enclosure
accessing switches and jumpers, 2-3
National Instruments
configuration utility (MAX), A-4
using with GPIB-VXI devices, A-3
Non-Slot 0 Message-based device
front panel LED indications, 2-22
operation summary, 2-22
switch and jumper settings (table), 2-22
Non-Slot 0 Resource Manager configuration
operation summary, 2-21
switch and jumper settings (table), 2-21
nonvolatile configuration
A24 assign base, 4-7
A32 assign base, 4-7
BNO, 4-7
code instrument block base, 4-9
code instrument nonvolatile user
console, 4-6
DC starting logical address, 4-7
device type, 4-4
entering in 488-VXI runtime system
entering nonvolatile configuration
executing commands, 4-2
for FAILED device, 4-8
GPIB address assignment method, 4-8
GPIB addresses to avoid, 4-8
GPIB flags, 4-8
GPIB primary, 4-8
GPIB-VXI/C Nonvolatile Configuration
Main Menu
Print Configuration Information, 4-3
Quit Configuration, 4-10
Read in Nonvolatile
Write Back (Save) Changes, 4-10
logical address, 4-4
main menu (display), 4-2
manufacturer Id, 4-4
model code, Slot 0/Non-Slot 0, 4-4
number of pSOS message buffers, 4-6
number of pSOS message exchanges, 4-6
number of pSOS processes, 4-6
parameters, 4-1
Protocol register, 4-5
pSOS configuration, B-2
pSOS Region 1 size, 4-5
RESET configuration, 4-5
resident code instrument locations, 4-9
Resource Manager wait period, 4-6
serial number, 4-5
Servant area, 4-8
slave address space, 4-5
startup mode configuration, 2-12, 4-1
VXI interrupt level to handler logical