Appendix B
Using the DMAmove and CDS-852 Adapter Code Instruments
GPIB-VXI/C local command set command
. This section explains how to use the
nonvolatile configuration editor to permanently install an EPROMed Code Instrument.
Enter the nonvolatile configuration mode as described in Chapter 4,
. The following menu is displayed:
GPIB-VXI Nonvolatile Configuration Main Menu
(C) 1995 National Instruments
1). Read In Nonvolatile Configuration
2). Print Configuration Information
3). Change Configuration Information
4). Set Configuration to Factory Settings
5). Write Back (Save) Changes
6). Quit Configuration
Choice (1-6):
to change the configuration information. The following menu then displays:
GPIB-VXI Nonvolatile Configuration Changer
(C) 1995 National Instruments
0). Edit Local Register Configuration
1). Edit pSOS Configuration
2). Edit VXI Interrupt Handler Logical Address
3). Edit Resource Manager Configuration
4). Edit Servant Area and DC Configuration
5). Edit FAILED Device Handling Mode
6). Edit GPIB Configuration
7). Edit Default CI Configuration
8). Edit Resident CI Base Locations
9). Edit CI User Configuration Variables
Q). Quit Editor
Choice (0-9,Q):
to edit pSOS configuration. The following prompt then appears:
------pSOS Configuration------
Enter Dynamic RAM Region 1 Size (default 0x70000):
Enter <CR> to keep the present value and continue to the next entry:
Enter Maximum Number of Processes (default 0x20):