© National Instruments
Digital Input/Output and PFI
This chapter describes the digital input/output (DIO) and Programmable Function Interface
(PFI) functionality available on the cDAQ controller.
Digital Input/Output
To use digital I/O, insert a digital I/O C Series module into any slot on the cDAQ controller. The
I/O specifications, such as number of lines, logic levels, update rate, and line direction, are
determined by the type of C Series module used. For more information, refer to the
documentation included with your C Series module(s).
Serial DIO versus Parallel DIO Modules
Serial digital modules have more than eight lines of digital input/output. They can be used in any
controller slot and can perform the following tasks:
Software-timed and hardware-timed digital input/output tasks
Parallel digital modules can be used in any controller slot and can perform the following tasks:
Software-timed and hardware-timed digital input/output tasks
Counter/timer tasks (can be used in up to two slots)
Accessing PFI signal tasks (can be used in up to two slots)
Filter digital input signals
Software-timed and hardware-timed digital input/output tasks have the following restrictions:
You cannot use parallel and serial modules together on the same hardware-timed task.
You cannot use serial modules for triggering.
You cannot do both static and timed tasks at the same time on a single serial module.
You can only do hardware timing in one direction at a time on a serial bidirectional module.
To determine the capability of digital modules supported by the cDAQ controller, refer to the
C Series Support in NI-DAQmx
document by going to
and entering the Info