© National Instruments
Where to Go from Here
This appendix lists where you can find example programs for the cDAQ controller and C Series
modules and relevant documentation.
Example Programs
NI-DAQmx software includes example programs to help you get started programming with the
cDAQ controller and C Series modules. Modify example code and save it in an application, or
use examples to develop a new application, or add example code to an existing application.
To locate NI software examples, go to
and enter the Info Code
For additional examples, refer to
To run examples without the device installed, use an NI-DAQmx simulated device. For more
information, in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), select
Help»Help Topics»
NI-DAQmx»MAX Help for NI-DAQmx
and search for simulated devices.
Related Documentation
Each application software package and driver includes information about writing applications
for taking measurements and controlling measurement devices. The following references to
documents assume you have NI-DAQmx, LabVIEW 2012 or later, and where applicable,
LabVIEW Real-Time 2012 and version 8.6.1 or later of other NI application software.
cDAQ Controller Documentation
NI cDAQ-9132/9134/9136 for Windows Quick Start
NI cDAQ-9133/9135/9137 for
Windows Quick Start
, packaged with your cDAQ controller preloaded with Windows Embedded
Standard 7 software, describes how to set up and install the cDAQ controller and C Series
modules, and how to confirm that your device is operating properly.
NI cDAQ-9132/9134/9136 for LabVIEW Real-Time Quick Start
NI cDAQ-9133/9135/9137 for LabVIEW Real-Time Quick Start
, packaged with your cDAQ
controller with its hard drive formatted for LabVIEW Real-Time, describes how to set up your
host computer, install your NI-DAQmx for Windows software, install the cDAQ controller and
C Series modules, and how to confirm that your device is operating properly.