MP SERIES™ Battery Backup System for Traffic Signals: MP2000E System
Volume One: Operating Manual
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Note: If the MP2000E constantly switches between Battery and Line modes because
of line fluctuations, the input parameters should be
broadened from Normal to
(see Section 6.b.2.1 “Sense Type”)
In Generator mode, the acceptable range of input frequency and voltage is expanded to
accommodate the voltage and frequency fluctuations created by a generator or a power
source of such kind.
Use a generator with electronic speed and voltage controls which typically produces
the Total Harmonic Distortion in % (THD) to be less than 10%. Generators with
mechanical governors can force the system to run continuously in Battery mode.
Before installation, compare the generator’s output voltage to the MP2000E’s input
voltage requirements as listed on both nameplates. To ensure the system’s smooth
operation, use a generator capable of supplying 200% or twice as much power as
required by the total load.