MP SERIES™ Battery Backup System for Traffic Signals: MP2000E System
Volume One: Operating Manual
Page 7-13
7.d Wave Forms
7.d.1 Transfer from LINE Mode to BATTERY BACKUP Mode
Figure 7-6 is a waveform illustrating the transfer from line mode to battery backup mode. The
top trace is the line output of the PTS with respect to neutral and the lower trace is the line
input of the utility with respect to the neutral. When the utility line drops to zero, there is a
transfer time of 50ms before the inverter supports the load.
Figure 7-6: Transfer from LINE Mode to BATTERY BACKUP Mode
7.d.2 Transfer from BATTERY BACKUP Mode to LINE Mode
Figure 7-7 is a waveform illustrating the transfer from battery backup mode back to line mode.
The top trace is the line output of the PTS with respect to neutral and the lower trace is the
line input of the utility with respect to the neutral. When the utility line is qualified, there is a
short transfer time of 10ms before the utility supports the load.