MP SERIES™ Battery Backup System for Traffic Signals: MP2000E System
Volume One: Operating Manual
Page 7-2
Note: Make sure the batteries are fully charged before starting the Battery Backup Time Test.
7.a.2 Battery Maintenance
The batteries are maintenance-free. Battery life can be affected by such factors as: operating
temperature, number of discharges during the battery’s life, and periodic Battery Backup Time
Tests, as described in Section 7.a.1. This system complies with the battery manufacturer’s
specifications for optimum performance and the longest possible battery life.
7.a.c LCD Contrast Adjustment
While holding down the ESC button on the front panel, press the ENTER button and
release both
Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to adjust the contrast
Press ENTER when the contrast on the LCD display is as desired
7.b Trouble Analysis
The normal operation of the MP2000E is to allow a qualified utility line to pass through the
BBS system to the output load. If the line drops out of tolerance then the MP2000E will
assume the load until the utility line is re-qualified or the batteries are depleted. Oscilloscope
traces are included at the end of this section illustrating what typical in tolerance waveforms
should look like. Following are some general troubleshooting guidelines to isolate a problem
within the BBS system.
Manual Bypass Switch
The Manual Bypass Switch is used when the MP2000E requires servicing. During normal
operation the MBPS is set to UPS mode. This will allow the utility input line to pass through
the MBPS to the PTS input as well as allowing the PTS output to pass through to the load.
7.b.1.1 Troubleshooting the Manual Bypass Switch in UPS Mode
To check the MBPS when it is set to UPS mode, first verify that the position of the MBPS is in
UPS mode as shown in Figure 7-2, then follow these steps:
Measure the voltage on position 2 of the MBPS with respect to neutral. Note: All neutral
wires in the system are common, so the neutral wire can be found on the input terminal
block of the PTS, on the input block in the cabinet, or on the MP2000E input terminal
If the utility voltage is not present then check the wiring from the utility entrance to the