MP SERIES™ Battery Backup System for Traffic Signals: MP2000E System
Volume One: Operating Manual
Page 6-28
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
The load is short-circuited or the
inverter did not start.
Low Battery Voltage*
Batt Low Volt
The battery’s output voltage is low.
High Battery Voltage
Batt High Volt
The battery’s output voltage is high.
High Temperature*
Temp High
The temperature of the battery or the
internal temperature of the MP2000E are
too high
The loads are drawing more power than
the MP2000E can provide
Figure 6-18: Fault Menu
The unit will self-reset when the fault conditions marked with an asterisk are remedied. The
MP2000E will automatically return to LINE mode if the line is qualified or BATTERY mode if it
is not. For the other faults, the unit is reset by shutting it down and restarting, using AC &
battery breakers. The faults can also be reset in the CONTROL menu of the LCD display.
Note: When the unit has a fault and line power is qualified and available, the
output loads are directly connected to the Input line with no line conditioning
or backup power provided.
6.b.14 Event Log View
To access the EVENT LOG VIEW, select the MAINTENANCE menu and use the up/down arrow
keys to enter the password as needed (See Section 6.b.11). EVENT LOG VIEW is the last item
in the MAINTENANCE menu. Press ENTER to display each event that has been logged by the
Data is displayed in digital binary form. The first line indicates the date (DD/MM/YY) and time
(HH:MM) of the event occurrence. The second line shows Events in BBS. Pressing the up
arrow displays the next event, pressing the down arrow displays the previous event.
Two blocks of numbers appear on the second line of the LCD screen. Each block has 8 digits,
for a total of 16 digits. The position of each one of the 16 digits indicates a unique event. A 1
indicates an event, a 0 indicates no event. Figure 6-19 provides detail on the Event Log View.