Chapter 6 – Configuration Scripts
MultiConnect AW User Guide
; wait 'OK'
; sendln "5 E ?????" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the SMTP server
; wait 'OK'
; sendln "5 F ?????" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the SMTP domain
; wait 'OK'
; sendln "5 G ?????" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the SMTP sender's name
; wait 'OK'
; sendln "5 H ?????" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the SMTP sender's address
; wait 'OK'
; sendln "5 I ?????" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the SMTP recipient's address
; wait 'OK'
; Debug section - Enabale or Disable debug
sendln "8 Y" ; Choices for the last parameter: "Y", "N"
wait 'OK'
; Wireless Connection - save this option for last because if "Always On" is selected, the system
; will start the connection right away!
sendln "1 D ON_DEMAND" ; Choices for the last parameter: "ON_DEMAND", "ALWAYS_ON"
wait 'OK'
; Save Configuration?
; sendln "SAVE"
; wait 'OK'
; Configuration is done
sendln "FINISH"