Chapter 6 – Configuration Scripts
MultiConnect AW User Guide
sendln "1 D ON_DEMAND" ; Choices for the last parameter: "ON_DEMAND", "ALWAYS_ON"
wait 'OK'
pause 1
; Save Configuration?
sendln "SAVE"
wait 'OK'
pause 3
; Configuration is done
sendln "FINISH"
CDMA Configuration Script Example
TaraTerm Script
;Configuration Script for MT100A2W (CDMA) device
;Date: 07/14/2009
;Version: 1.0 - Initial Version
; 12/09/2009 - Added "Debug section - Enable or Disable debug"
;NOTE: use ';' to comment out any option and its corresponding wait'OK'
; that are not needed to be modified.
; Parameters within the double quotes are seperated by a single space.
; Parameters have to be in Capital letters.
; Make sure to reboot the device before running this script
; Determind which menu we are currently in
send 13
timeout = 10
wait 'Please enter password to login =>' 'Enter selection =>'
if result=1 goto LOGIN
sendln "!"
pause 2
timeout = 0
pause 2
sendln "admin"
; Handshake section