MultiConnect AW User Guide
Chapter 6 – Configuration Scripts
The following are example scripts you can use to configure a MultiConnect through a terminal program. These
examples were created with Tera Term. Multi-Tech System does not support the Tera Term terminal emulator; it
was used to show how a terminal emulator can be used to configure a script for the MultiConnect.
This chapter includes samples for GPRS/GSM and CDMA configurations.
GPRS/GSM Configuration Script Example
;TeraTerm Script
;Configuration Script for MT200A2W-G (GPRS) device
;Date: 02/28/2011
;Version: 1.0 - Initial Version
;NOTE: use ';' to comment out any option and its corresponding wait'OK'
; that are not needed to be modified.
; Parameters within the double quotes are separated by a single space.
; Parameters have to be in Capital letters.
; Make sure to reboot the device before running this script
; Determine which menu we are currently in
sendln ""
;Send dummy char to get fresh menu
timeout = 3
wait 'Please enter password to login =>' 'Enter selection =>'
if result=2 then
pause 1
elseif result=1 then
timeout = 10
pause 2
sendln "admin" ;Login password
goto LOGIN
goto LOGIN
; Handshake section
pause 1
sendln "C"
wait 'Are you sure you want to start the configuration script?'
wait 'Enter (yes/no) => '