Chapter 6 – Configuration Scripts
MultiConnect AW User Guide
sendln "yes"
wait 'ConfigMenuScript'
pause 1
; Cellular port section
sendln "1 A GPRS" ; Choices for the last parameter: "GPRS", "GSM"
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 B TCPCLIENT" ; Choices for the last parameter: "TCPCLIENT", "TELNET", "UDP", "PASSTHRU"
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 C OUTBOUND" ; Choices for the last parameter: "OUTBOUND"
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 E 23" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the LOCAL PORT for option E
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 F 7000" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the REMOTE PORT for option F
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 G" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the REMOTE IP address for option G
wait 'OK'
pause 1
;*************** Phone/IP Conversion Table **************************************************
sendln "1 J 1 7001 7173500" ; The last 3 parameters are: portnum phonenum IP
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 J 2 7002 7173500" ; The last 3 parameters are: portnum phonenum IP
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 J 3 7003 7173500" ; The last 3 parameters are: portnum phonenum IP
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 J 4 7004 7173500" ; The last 3 parameters are: portnum phonenum IP
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 J 5 7005 7173500" ; The last 3 parameters are: portnum phonenum IP
wait 'OK'
pause 1
sendln "1 K NAM" ; for the last parameter: "NAM", "EURO"
wait 'OK'