Chapter 6 – Configuration Scripts
MultiConnect AW User Guide
pause 1
; sendln "1 L ???" ; for the last parameter: Enter the APN USERNAME for option L if applicable
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "1 M ???" ; for the last parameter: Enter the APN PASSWORD for option M if applicable
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
sendln "1 N wap.cingular" ; last parameter: Enter the APN SERVER for option N if applicable
wait 'OK'
pause 1
; sendln "1 O 15" ; Choice for the last parameter: Enter the Physical TimeOut in minute for option O
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "1 P ON" ; Choices for the last parameter: "ON", "OFF"
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "1 Q 100" ; last parameter: Enter the TCP package transmit delay in msec for option Q
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "1 R 90" ; last parameter: Enter the radio handshake TimeOut in sec for option R
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "1 S 1234" ; last parameter: "DISABLE", or Enter the SIM unlock code for option S
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; Analog port section - In most cases, this section can be commented out
; sendln "2 A ATI" ; last parameter: Enter the init string you want to send to the analog modem
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "2 B A 33600" ; for the last parameter: "56000", "33600", "28800", "14400",
; "12000", "9600", "4800", "2400", "2200", "1200", "300"
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "2 B B V34" ; for the last parameter: "V92", V90", "V34", "V32BIS", "V32", "V22BIS",
; "V22", "BELL212A", "BELL103"
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "2 B C V42_MNP" ; for the last parameter: "V42_MNP", "V42_ONLY", "MNP DIRECT_MODE", "NO_ECM"
; wait 'OK'
; pause 1
; sendln "2 B D V42BIS_MNP5" ; Choices for the last parameter: "V42BIS_MNP5", "NO_COMPRESSION"
; wait 'OK'