Moore Industries-International, Inc.
- 58 -
User’s Manual
February 2017
Output Trimming increases the accuracy of your instrument by calibrating its analog
output to the device that is receiving the output. This ensures that the instrument is being
correctly interpreted.
Connect the unit as shown in Figure 4.10 and allow five minutes for warm up and stabilization.
1. Connect the analog output of your instrument to an external multimeter.
2. Click the “Zero” button to trim the Fix Output at Zero.
3. To “fine tune” trimmed values, place the value read on the external multimeter (mA
value for mA output mode, voltage value for voltage output mode) in the “Measured mA /
V” text box and click “Trim”.
4. Click the “Full” button and repeat Step 3 to trim the Fix Output at Full.
5. Once you have performed your output trimming, click “Unfix”.
The trim value is an adjustment to the AOUT ZERO or FULL value. This adjustment is
limited to 10% of span.
Do not click the “Reset” button in the Trimming menu unless you want to disregard your
trimmed values and return to the manufacturer’s factory trim values.
Changes made to the
Trimming section will immediately effect the unit. Trimming buttons are disabled when there is no
unit connected.
Output Test–
This test may be performed in order to check output performance and accuracy
and to trim other instruments in your setup. Your output will be a current value, in mA, or a
voltage equal to the value you enter into the text box. You can check the other devices on the
system and calibrate them to this signal.
This feature is independent of the input. If you find that the output requires adjustment, you may
perform the Trimming function.
1. Ensure that STA monitoring is stopped. In the “Fix current / voltage” text box, enter a
value between 0-23.8mA (for current) or -0.5 - 11V (for voltage) and click the “Fix” button.
2. Return to monitoring the STA. You will see the “fixed” value in the “AO” field in the
Variables Section and on the external multimeter.
3. Once you have finished, click “Unfix”.
While performing Analog Output Trimming functions, you may notice a message in
the “STA Status” display reading “**Output fixed**”. Clicking the “Unfix” button will clear this
message. Changes made to the Output Test section will immediately affect the unit.
Output test
is disabled when there is no unit connected.
Programmable Current/Voltage Safety Trip Alarm