76-02-095 Rev.B
Page 127 of 145
This display shows the counters for the flow control frames as shown below:
Metrodata FCM9002 "" Alarms: Major
Flow Statistics
CFM In Packets 0
CFM Out Packets 0
CFM Out Discards 0
<Esc> - exit, C - clear, <Enter> - refresh
Y.1731 Performance
When Y.1731 performance monitoring is enabled, test packets are transmitted to
measure the frame loss, and the round trip delays. Using Y.1731 allows for in
service monitoring of the SLA.
The Y.1731 performance is displayed as shown below:
Metrodata FCM9002 "FCM9002_Left" Alarms: Major
Y.1731 Performance Statistics Flow1
Outbound Inbound SLA
Time (s) 8068 8068
Unavailable (s) 8068 8068
Availability (%) 0.000 0.000 95.000
Maximum Delay (us) 0.0 0.0 100
Maximum Delay Variation (us) 0.0 0.0 100
<Escape> - exit, C - clear, other key - refresh