Esc Set
< Data e Ora >
Esc Set
< Crono Off >
Esc On Set
< Programma 1 >
Esc On Set
< Programma 2 >
Esc On Ok
< programma 2 >
70°F 21.04
Mode:AUTO Menu
Temp:72°F Fan:A
Esc 7:00 Ok
< Inizio programma 2>
Esc 7:00 Ok
< Inizio programma 2>
This operating mode makes it possible to programme switching the product on and off automatically.
Stoves normally have their PROGRAMMED mode deactivated.
The fundamental settings of the PROGRAMMED mode are:
• Power on/off time selection
• Program activation day selection
The current date and time setting is essential for correct chrono operation.
Refer to the previous paragraph for how to set the current day and time.
Activating CRONO (CHRONO) and setting a weekly program
There are six configurable crono programs; for each one, the user can select a start and stop time and the days of the week when it is in
use. When one or more programs are active, the status of the stove and CRONO “n” alternate on the display. “n” is the number of crono
programs in use, separated by dashes. Example: CRONO 1 (only crono program 1 active) or CRONO 1-4 (crono programs 1 and 4 active) or
CRONO 1-2-3-4-5-6 (all crono programs active).
With the stove on or off, enter the MENU and select CRONO OFF (or CRONO NUMERO DEL/DEI CRONO ATTIVO/I (CRONO NUMBER OF CRONO
PROGRAMS ACTIVE). It displays PROGRAMMA 1 OFF (PROGRAM 1 OFF), to activate it press SET, select ON with the arrow key and confirm
with OK; the screen now displays
Inizio programma orario
(Start program) and will propose 00.00 as the start time; set the time with the
right arrow key and confirm it with OK. The next screen proposes a stop time of 10 minutes later than the configured start time: press the
right arrow key to edit the stop time, and press OK to confirm.
You are now proposed the days of the week on which to run the crono program: select ON or OFF with the arrow key and confirm with
OK. If no day of the week is confirmed with OK. If no day is selected as active (ON), the crono program is no longer enabled on the status
window (see above).