S t a n d a r d W a r r a n t y
Power Module DN
Version 09.2019
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Standard Warranty
Maurer Magnetic AG guarantees operation of the delivered demagnetization units. The
warranty is equivalent to the warranty / guarantee supplement valid at order date
The warranty expires in case of damage to the device by third-party components. Use only
components (coil modules, demagnetization cables, power units) from Maurer Magnetic AG.
The warranty expires in case of equipment damage through inappropriate combination of
components. Maurer Magnetic AG components (coil modules, demagnetization cables, power
units) are commissioned combined internally and parameterised accordingly. They must be
used exclusively in combination expressly provided for.
Maurer Magnetic AG cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage, as well as
consequential damage resulting from the false or improper use of the devices from the series
MM DN150...1850.
The demagnetization power modules MM DN150...1850 have been designed according to CE
regulations and in accordance with general due diligence.
A warranty extension must be agreed in writing.