M a i n t e n a n c e
Power Module DN
Version 09.2019
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8.4 Spare and wear parts
Find a list of spear and wear parts including delivery time below. Find manufacturer and part
numbers in the enclosed circuit diagram. Prices on request.
Delivery times MMAG
Time relay
1 week
Motor circuit breaker
1 week
1 week
Capacitor if present
1 week
Interface module
1 week
Inverter replacement
1-2 weeks
Mains filter
1-2 weeks
Table 6: Spare and wear parts
8.4.1 Fuse protection
1A1-F1, 1A1-F2: Interface module
20x5mm, slow-blow 315mA (2x)
1FT1: Secondary-fuse 24VDC power supply
20x5mm, slow-blow 1A
Fan connector
20x5mm, slow-blow 4A
Blown fuses 1FT1 and 1FT2 are indicated by an LED on fuse carrier.
8.4.2 Inverter replacement
The Inverter is specially configured by Maurer Magnetic. For replacement the serial number
of power and coil module is required.