I n s t a l l a t i o n
Power Module DN
Version 09.2019
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DN DN750…1850
The DN750…1850 is connected as
TN-S Network
. Three phases (L1, L2, L3) and the
protective conductor (PE) are required. Neutral and protective conductor laid separately. A
terminal connector for the neutral conductor is available but connection is not necessary.
Voltage, current and frequency ranges, according to 10.2!
Figure 6: TN-S connection DN750-1850
Colour code supply connector DN750…1850:
L1 (phase)
brown or black
L2 (phase)
L3 (phase)
grey or black
N (neutral)
PE (protective conductor)
Table 3: Colour code
supply connector DN750…1850
4.2 Prefuse
For maximal and minimal prefuse see electric circuit diagram.
4.2.1 Operator Protection
If a RCCB or ELCB is used it needs to be a
universal current sensitive RCCBs B
, suitable for protecting frequency inverters.
In case of false triggering of the RCCB, we recommend installation of a leakage compensation
(See chapter troubleshooting).
4.3 Coil module connector HAN 3/HAN 10 B
The coil module is connected with a HAN 3 (DN150) or HAN 10 B (DN750-1850) to the power
module and latched.
Voltage range see appendix
Connector configuration and pin assignment according to circuit diagram