Monarch EDGE Control Hub configuration
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Part # V11470-301-0101
Last updated: July 27, 2020
Date and time:
These are the settings that allow you to configure time-related options such
as specifying an NTP server, or setting the time zone of your Monarch EDGE. For more
information, see "
Configuring Date and Time settings
This is where you enable the genlock functionality for the Monarch EDGE
Encoder and set the genlock output to sync to NTSC or PAL frame rates. For more infor-
mation, see "
. The Monarch EDGE Decoder gen-
lock settings are described in "
Configuring Decoder Processing settings
Local preview:
This is where you can enable the video preview option that uses the Mon-
arch EDGE’s DisplayPort connection. Please note that this feature can affect the EDGE’s
processing performance. It is not recommended to use a 4K monitor for preview. For more
information, see "
Configuring Local preview settings
This where you can download the logs to be used for troubleshooting your Monarch
EDGE, if needed. For more information, see "
Using the Processing page contextual menu
The Processing section of Monarch EDGE Control Hub allows you to configure your settings in
a single window by using a contextual menu that changes depending on where you click. In the
following image, if you click on any of the areas indicated, the menu on the right of the Mon-
arch EDGE Control Hub screen will change to display the relevant settings. The active area of
Control Hub will be a darker shade of its color (e.g. in the image,
is selected).
Although the image below shows only the Encoder settings, the user interface for the Monarch
EDGE Decoder works the same way; that is, as a contextual menu that dynamically displays the
relevant configuration settings depending where on the page you click.