5. Licensee may only provide and disclose parts of the Software to third parties who have a need-to-
know for the purpose of installation, service integration and/or support of said Software within
Licensee's product. In such event, Licensee may only disclose the relevant and necessary parts of
the Software to permit the third party to accomplish his work provided that all such disclosures
shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this License;
6. Notwithstanding any other provision in this License, if Licensee provides any ideas, suggestions or
recommendations to Matrox regarding the Licensed Software and/or Licensee's product ("Feed-
back"), Matrox is free to use and incorporate such Feedback in Matrox's products, without payment
of royalties or other consideration to Licensee;
7. Licensee shall not have the right to alter or remove any Matrox or third party copyright, trademark
or patent notices in the Software.
There are inherent dangers in the use of any software available for downloading on the Internet and Matrox
cautions Licensee to ensure that Licensee completely understands the potential risks before downloading
any of the Software. Licensee is solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and equip-
ment used in connection with any of the Software, and Matrox will not be liable for any damages that may
be suffered in connection with use of the Software.
Licensee hereby acknowledges and agrees that this License, and all its terms and conditions, automatically
applies, without other notice, to future updates of the Software, firmware, BIOS, drivers and associated util-
In addition, certain third party intellectual property may be provided with or included in the Software. The
third party license terms accompanying such Software, found at
and if
applicable, in the license.txt file located in the root installation directory, will govern your use of such Soft-
ware. Matrox does not warrant and is not liable for such third party intellectual property, or anything related
thereto. Licensee acknowledges and agrees to comply with the terms of all applicable third party software
licenses if any. Please be advised that the terms and conditions of third party license agreements may be
updated from time to time. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to verify that the agreement listed is cur-
rent and applicable. Please note that this list of third party licenses is not exhaustive and was determined
according to Matrox's understanding and to the best of its knowledge.
If you are using a version of the licensed Software that is desig-
nated, without limitation, as an alpha, beta, engineering sample, preliminary or early access version of the
Software, then; (a) the Software is deemed to be pre-release code (e.g. alpha or beta, engineering sample,
preliminary, early access, etc.), which may not be fully functional and which Matrox may substantially mod-
ify in development of a commercial version, and for which Matrox makes no assurances that it will ever
develop or make generally available in a commercial version, and (b) Licensee shall have the right to use the
Software only for the duration of the pre-release term or until the commercial release, if any, of the Software,
whichever is shorter. For clarity, a remedy to any bug, defect, error or fault in any pre-release version of the
Software will absolutely require upgrading to a new version of the Software. Matrox reserves the right to
change any content of this new version of the Software at its sole discretion.