User and device management
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Part # V11470-301-0101
Last updated: July 27, 2020
About environment administrators
As an environment administrator, you will have full administrator rights on the Matrox Mon-
arch EDGE devices you choose to control. You take control of the devices after creating your
environment administrator username and password by selecting the devices from a displayed
list of available devices.
Therefore, you can think of “environments” as groups of Monarch EDGE devices all controlled
by the same environment administrator account. By becoming the environment administrator
for your devices, you can then create user accounts for others with the proper permissions to
modify the device settings.
Please note the following about environment administrator accounts:
There can be more than one.
You can have multiple environment administrators controlling different groups of
devices. For example, if there are 10 Monarch EDGE devices available on your net-
work, you could have two environment administrators each controlling five devices.
A factory reset on a device purges the account.
Performing a factory reset on a Monarch EDGE device will also reset the environment
administrator account on it. The device will then be available on the network again as
if it were a new device. All user accounts associated to the device are purged as well. A
device reboot does
affect the environment administrator or user accounts.
You don’t need one to find Monarch EDGE devices.
You do not need to be an environment administrator to find specific Monarch EDGE
devices, or a range of devices, on the network. For more information on device discov-
ery, see "
They can create other environment administrators.
Only environment administrators can create and edit other environment administra-
tor accounts. The “Edit users” permission has similar rights (e.g. see other users, edit
permissions, etc) but the key difference is that a regular user cannot create or edit an
administrator account, even if they have the “edit users” permission.
Creating an environment administrator account
You must create an environment administrator account when you install and start Monarch
EDGE Control Hub for the first time. Once you have your administrator account, you can cre-
ate as many other administrator or user accounts as needed.
To create an administrator account, follow the steps below:
Step 1.
About environment administrators
Step 2.
Go to
Start > Programs > Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub