User and device management
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Part # V11470-301-0101
Last updated: July 27, 2020
Step 3.
If this is the first time you start Control Hub, you will be asked if you are an
environment administrator. Click
Step 4.
Enter the username and password you want to use for this environment
administrator account, then click
Step outcome:
Your environment administrator account is created. Now you
need to select which Monarch EDGE devices this account controls.
Step 5.
From the available Monarch EDGE devices displayed, click on the ones you
want to control, then click
Add devices
More info:
selects multiple devices.
Result of this task:
You are now the environment administrator for the Monarch EDGE devices
you selected.
When done, remember:
You will need to add users and give them permission to modify settings
on the devices you control. For more information, see "
User accounts
This section explains what Matrox Monarch EDGE user accounts are and describes how to cre-
ate a user account in Control Hub.
About user accounts
User accounts are created by the environment administrator(s). User accounts are created on
specific Monarch EDGE devices that are part of an environment. For example, an environment
administrator cannot create a user without also immediately assigning that user to at least one
Monarch EDGE device.
Users can be granted the following permissions:
An environment administrator can create other administrators by grant-
ing a user administrator rights. Administrators can create, delete, and edit other users, as
well as do all the other actions listed below. They can also take control of other available
Monarch EDGE devices on the network, thereby becoming environment administrators
themselves. For more information on this process, see "
Apply changes:
This allows users to apply settings changes to Monarch EDGE devices (e.g.
change encoder settings, start/stop encoding, etc).