result in severe civil and/or criminal penalties, as violators will be prosecuted to the maximum
extent possible;
3. Licensee agrees to treat the Software as confidential information, and shall protect said information
by using the same degree of care Licensee uses to protect Licensee's own confidential information,
but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination, disclo-
sure or publication of such, or to use this Software to: (i) develop inventions directly derived from
confidential information to seek patent protection; (ii) assist in the analysis of Licensee's patents
and patent applications; or (iii) modify Licensee's existing patents or patent applications;
4. Licensee may only provide and disclose parts of the Software to third parties who have a need-to-
know for the purpose of installation, service integration and/or support of said Software within
Licensee's product. In such event, Licensee may only disclose the relevant and necessary parts of
the Software to permit the third party to accomplish his work provided that all such disclosures
shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this License;
5. Licensee may not grant any sublicense, lease or other right in the Software to others;
6. Notwithstanding any other provision in this License, if Licensee provides any ideas, suggestions or
recommendations to Matrox regarding the Licensed Software and/or Licensee's product ("Feed-
back"), Matrox is free to use and incorporate such Feedback in Matrox's products, without payment
of royalties or other consideration to Licensee;
7. Licensee shall not have the right to alter or remove any Matrox or third party copyright, trademark
or patent notices in the Software.
Licensee may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in Licensee's
product or as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of Licensee's products,
excluding any other standalone products, subject to these conditions:
1. This Software is subject to a restrictive license therefore it is licensed for use only in conjunction
with the Matrox hardware product. Use of the Software in conjunction with non-Matrox products
is prohibited and not licensed hereunder;
2. No right to recopy, publish, display, sell, network, rent, loan, lend, distribute, license, sublicense,
alter, modify, disassemble, decompile, create derivative works or reverse engineer any Software in
any manner whatsoever is hereby given, except as provided in this License. Violation may result in
severe civil and/or criminal penalties, as violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possi-
3. Licensee agrees to treat the Software as confidential information, and shall protect said information
by using the same degree of care Licensee uses to protect Licensee's own confidential information,
but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination, disclo-
sure or publication of such, or to use this Software to: (i) develop inventions directly derived from
confidential information to seek patent protection; (ii) assist in the analysis of Licensee's patents
and patent applications; or (iii) modify Licensee's existing patents or patent applications;
4. Licensee may only distribute the Software to Licensee's customers pursuant to a written license
agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Matrox's ownership rights to the Software
and such agreement shall contain similar terms and obligations;