User and device management
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Part # V11470-301-0101
Last updated: July 27, 2020
Step 5.
Result of this task:
Your new Monarch EDGE user is created and (in this case) can only modify
settings on the devices in their environment.
When done, remember:
If you have multiple Monarch EDGE devices in your environment, you
can specify which devices your users have access to, and what they can do on each device. For
more information, see "
Managing users and device permissions
Managing users and device permissions
This section includes topics on the various user and device management tasks you can perform
in the Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub.
Transferring control to a different environment administrator
If you have an environment administrator account controlling one or more Monarch EDGE
devices, and you want to transfer control of those devices to a different administrator account,
you can do so as follows:
Step 1.
Go to
Start > Programs > Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub
Step outcome:
Monarch EDGE Control Hub opens and the Monarch EDGE
devices on the network are displayed.
Step 2.
Open the Control Hub menu at the top left, then click on
Manage users
Step 3.
Create a new user (see
) and give the new user adminis-
trator rights.