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Part # V11470-301-0101
Last updated: July 27, 2020
Using the RESTful HTTP API for OEMs that choose to build their own applications.
Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub
The Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub software enables you to remotely control, manage,
and configure your Monarch EDGE Encoder or Decoder device from a Windows computer
connected to your network.
Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub is packaged with the Monarch EDGE firmware and can
be downloaded from the
of our website.
Matrox Monarch EDGE RESTful API
The Matrox RESTful API provides a set of JSON-based commands that allow you to control,
manage, and configure your Monarch EDGE Encoder the same way you would with the Matrox
Monarch EDGE Control Hub application.
The API is typically used by OEMs to create their own application for the Monarch EDGE
Encoder. Documentation for the API is provided as comments in the JSON code which is then
extracted to an HTML file for easy reading. This offers developers an efficient method of
understanding the basic commands of the Monarch EDGE Encoder.
The API should be considered a supplement to this user guide, as the API does not explain the
overall functionality of the Monarch EDGE Encoder.
For more information on the RESTful API, contact your Matrox representative.
System requirements
The system requirements for the Monarch Edge are as follows:
To install Matrox Monarch EDGE Control Hub, you need a computer running Micro-
soft Windows 10.
Other Windows operating systems may work but have not been fully validated through
internal testing. Before trying another operating system, contact
It is recommended to use a DHCP-enabled (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
network with SSDP Discovery service, network discovery, and file sharing options
enabled. If a DHCP network is not available, the Monarch EDGE will boot with a self-
assigned link-local IP address between and which will be
displayed on the front LCD screen upon boot up. For more information on link-local
addressing, contact your network administrator.