This chapter includes the following topics:
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Part # V11470-301-0101
Last updated: July 27, 2020
Monarch EDGE firmware update and
Control Hub installation
Update and installation prerequisites
Updating the Monarch EDGE firmware
Installing Monarch EDGE Control Hub
Uninstalling or repairing Monarch EDGE Control Hub
Update and installation prerequisites
Before you update your Monarch EDGE firmware and install Monarch EDGE Control Hub,
read and comply with the following:
The versions of Monarch EDGE firmware and Monarch EDGE Control Hub must
match to ensure proper functionality and compatibility between devices and software.
You may need administrator rights to install or uninstall Monarch EDGE Control Hub.
For more information, see your Windows documentation or contact your system
When you power on the Monarch EDGE, the LAN1 connector on the device must be
connected to a network (“LAN”, 100/1000 Base-T) for the Monarch EDGE to be seen
by the firmware updater. Monarch EDGE will not boot unless the LAN1 is connected
to a network or LAN.
It is recommended that you connect to a DHCP-enabled network, and that your server
maintains the IP address of a device when it reappears on the network after a reboot.
However, if a DHCP network is not available, the Monarch EDGE will boot with a ran-
domly-assigned link-local address between and For more
information on link-local IP addressing, contact your network administrator.
The latest version of Microsoft .NET Framework is required to run the Monarch
EDGE firmware updater and Monarch EDGE Control Hub, as well as, to identify
Monarch EDGE devices on a network.
Stop all processing sessions on your Monarch EDGE devices.
Close Monarch EDGE Control Hub if it is running.