The rules in the digital audio world
Connecting digital audio devices the following three simple rules have to
be maintained.
All devices have to be synchronized with each other. (Using the
There can only be one! That is the device (the master) governing the
rate. All other devices have to lock in on this rate (the clock) of the
master and are thereby slaves.
Digital audio connections mostly include a clock. (S/PDIF; ADAT or
AES/EBU). Besides that, the synchronization can be ensured using
Wordclock- or superclock connections. But within a compound of
digital audio devices, the clock has to be the same – everywhere.
Important notes on TRACE PRO AE and digital clock.
Clock settings when using ASIO
If you work with an audio application using the ASIO interface of the
TRACE PRO AE, all clock settings will be managed by that program and
overwrite the current settings in the manager! Which clock source is used,
can still be read in the clock settings within the TRACE PRO AE manager.
The manual of the application should give you report about which clock
source the audio application chooses under which circumstance. If the
audio application is closed (communication with the ASIO driver is
terminated), all previous clock settings are being reset.
Level metering in the TRACE PRO AE Mixer
In order for the TRACE PRO AE Mixer to show the levels of a digital input
signal, it has to use the clock of this input. That means: If the clock source
is not read from this input, no digital input signal can be used or shown,
save you activate the sample rate converter for this digital input.
In that case, the sample rate on the input is adjusted to the currently active
clock, in order to allow correct displaying. Now the level of that input port
can also be shown. If the sample rate conversion is switched off, the
affected input channel will have a small red square in the level meter.