Specialities of digital channel
If you set up different
volumes for “AUX 1”
and “AUX 2” or the right
and the left fader without
the link-button activated,
this relation remains with
the link-button pushed.
At the top of the channel “Digital In” a drop
down list ist placed. It allows choosing the signal
for this channel. It offers “AES” for the digital
AES/EBU input or “CD” for an internal
CD/DVD drive.
This ends our little overview on the input
channels of the TRACE PRO AE Mixer. Now,
you know how to set up the volume of a channel
on the master sum or the aux sums. The only
thing that’s missing is a possibility to control the
level of all of these sum signals. That’s what the
master channel on the right side of the Mixer is
all about.
The master channel
The upper knobs regulate the volume of the aux
sums. Between “AUX 1” and “AUX 2” as well
as “AUX 3” and “AUX 4” and so forth a link-
button is situated. If clicked on, the concerning
Aux-knobs are connected functionally. That
means: when opening up “AUX 1”, “AUX 2” is
equally pulled up.
If the Solo-button has been switched on in any
channel, the master channel will indicate this
with a lit “Solo” LED. Using the “X”-button
next to “Solo” you can deactivate all solo
buttons of all channels simultaneously.
The master faders serve as regulators for the
volume of the main sum. They are assigned
either to the left or the right channel. As long as
link-button is pushed, they are moved